Draft For permissions on Workplace
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Drafting permissions on Workplace are granted by system admins, content moderators or custom admins.
System admins can also set an expiration date for drafting permissions.
Give drafting permissions
- Click Admin Panel in the left menu of Workplace.
- Click Draft For.
- Click Grant Permission.
- Select a user to be the drafter. This is the person who will write draft posts.
- Select a user to be the final author. This person will approve the drafts sent to them by the drafter.
- Choose whether you want to turn on Publish posts for author. This allows the drafter to publish posts on behalf of the final author without a review or approval.
- Choose whether you want to turn on Edit published posts for author. This allows the drafter to edit any of the final author's published posts without approval. The author will receive a notification if edits are saved.
- You can choose an expiration date for these permissions. If you leave the expiration date blank, it will count as a permanent permission until it is manually changed.
- Click Grant permissions.
If you're a system admin, you can give drafting permissions to yourself. If you're both a drafter and an author, you will have two tabs in the Draft For section on your left panel: Posted as author and Posted as drafter.
Set an expiration date for drafting permissions (if you're a system admin)
- In the Grant Permissions window, click the toggle next to Publish posts for author or Edit published posts for author.
- Enter the date that you want the permissions to expire.
- Click Grant permissions.
Note: If no action is taken by the expiration date, permissions will need to be granted again.
Change drafting permissions
- Click Admin Panel at the top left of Workplace.
- Click Draft For.
- Search for the drafter you want to change permissions for.
- Click Update next to the drafter's name.
- Make any changes, including adding or changing the expiration date for permissions.
- Click Update Permissions.
To remove a user as a drafter, click Remove next to their name.
Allow other users to manage Draft For permissions
Admins can give other users the permissions to manage Draft For permissions:
- Click Admin Panel at the top left of Workplace.
- Click Admins.
- Click the Roles tab near the top of the page.
- Click New Role.
- Write a name for the role.
- Click Manage 'Draft For' permissioning.
- Click Create role.
- Assign this role to the person who you would like to manage drafting permissions.
Find out how to draft a post for an author on Workplace.